National News

McConnell to Bring Stimulus Talks Back on the Table This Month

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky indicated on Thursday that he plans to bring a $500 million targeted COVID-19 relief proposal to the Senate floor next week.

The bill includes assistance to unemployment, schools, and small businesses, but Democrats believe that the amount given will not be enough.

Multiple Democrats have called out Republican senators for pushing too small of a package and being poor negotiation partners.

“He knows that’s not going anywhere,” Sen. Patrick Leahy said of McConnell’s proposal. “It does nothing to take care of people with COVID, it does not guarantee their healthcare.”

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse said, “The Republican side is all fractured and arguing with itself and that makes it really hard for Democrats.”

This comes on the heels of President Trump asking Senate Republicans to shift their focus away from stimulus talks and onto confirming Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

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