Mississippi News

Wicker: Predicts even more record-breaking investment for Mississippi

By Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.)

Entire State Will Benefit

Work is underway on a record-breaking project in Mississippi. The development, an Amazon Web Services (AWS) data center, is the largest private investment in the history of our state. It is a gargantuan effort which will create numerous jobs, stimulate growth, and attract more new business.

I joined elected officials, community leaders, and industry executives to break ground at the site. We reflected on the work it took to bring the project to life and what it means for the future of Mississippi.

Outside Investment Prompted Us to Invest in Ourselves

No company makes a major development decision lightly. When AWS chose our state, they put a giant stamp of approval on our natural resources, business climate, infrastructure, and workforce.

AWS felt confident in their investment because they saw that Mississippians were willing to invest in the project, too.

Private industry rose to the occasion, scaling up energy sources around the site. Local leaders invested in nearby roads, water infrastructure, and sewer systems. They even built a fire station to serve the center. At the state level, officials passed business-friendly legislation and established workforce training programs to help staff the site. Over the past few years, I have met with the company to persuade them that our state was the best location for their next project.

Massive Project Boosts the Whole State

All those efforts are paying off – in a gigantic way. When we gathered for the groundbreaking, we were able to appreciate the eye-popping figures associated with this site. Sixteen buildings spread across 1,700 acres will soon house vast computing systems. Over $10 billion will flow into Mississippi in the next decade. Construction will last three years, employing thousands of crew members. After that, the center will provide 1,000 high-paying technology jobs.

Everyone in the state has a reason to celebrate this development. Investment is like a rock tossed into a pond, creating a series of positive ripple effects. Because of this work, our schools will improve, our workforce will have an increased skill set, and our standard of living is expected to rise. Best of all, this investment could lead to more just like it.

Record-Breaking Investment is a Sign of the Future

Right now, this project stands out because it is five times larger than any private investment we have seen in Mississippi. In a few years, it will not be such an outlier. It will be the first of a trend.

Data centers enable emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. More businesses are adopting those tools, which increases demand for these sites.

Mississippi is poised to meet that need. Our state is perfectly positioned at the intersection of two huge fiber cables. One carries internet data between Chicago and New Orleans, and the other runs from Dallas to Atlanta. It is only natural that companies would want to be near a key hub on the great information superhighway. I am confident more will choose Mississippi for their next data center.

We will be reaping the benefits of these investments for years to come. As more cutting-edge businesses move to Mississippi, our young people will benefit the most. New investment will show them that they can do satisfying work right here at home. It will inspire them to think big for our state and its future.

Note: The article here is the weekly Wicker Report, written by Sen. Roger Wicker and provided by the Senator’s office. Any opinions expressed are that of the author and not necessarily that of this publication.

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