Mississippi News

McRae: $100 million returned – and still going!

By Treasurer David McRae

Note: The following is written and provided by Mississippi State Treasurer David McRae. Opinions expressed are that of the author and not necessarily that of this publication.

When I became your State Treasurer, I promised to find and return your unclaimed money. That’s because it’s not the government’s money, it’s yours. This August, your State Treasury hit a historic milestone: $100 million was returned to Mississippians through our unclaimed money program in just over four years. It was a feat never accomplished, so we set out on a statewide tour to spread the word and find even more citizens who are owed money.

We went from one end of Mississippi to the other, meeting with Mississippians from all walks of life – business owners, retirees, parents, college students, and just about everyone in between – many of whom had money to claim. In total, more than 500 people stopped by to visit. What’s more, the subsequent publicity surrounding these events brought hundreds more claims through our online portal, treasury.ms.gov/search. In fact, so many claims have been made in recent weeks that we now stand at almost $110 million returned!

If you aren’t familiar with unclaimed money, it is an asset you or your family have lost track of at some point. Common examples could include an energy bill refund that was sent to the wrong address, a forgotten CD at the bank, or an insurance policy from a deceased relative. If no one claims these funds for five years, the money is sent to the state. The Treasury is then responsible for finding the rightful owner and returning the money to them.

Our team has taken a very proactive approach to returning these funds once they hit our coffers. We’ve modernized our systems to make claims easier and faster for you. And we’ve made it a priority to let folks know they should check.

I want to thank everyone who searched for unclaimed money over the last few weeks, whether at one of our events or online. If you haven’t done so already, please visit treasury.ms.gov/search to begin. Of course, if you have any issues, you can always reach out to us at 601-359-3600.

Mississippi Treasurer David McRae is the 55th Treasurer for the State of Mississippi. In this role, he helps manage the state’s cash flow, oversees College Savings Mississippi, and has returned more than $85 million in unclaimed money to Mississippians. For more information, visit Treasury.MS.gov.

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