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McRae: Standing against hate and anti-semitism

By Treasurer David McRae

The last few weeks have brought chaos and uncertainty for Israel, and Israel’s supporters. Anti-semitic protests have broken out on elite college campuses across the country. Turkey shut down trade with Israel. And President Biden threatened to withhold critical weapons from Israel.

Simply put, the Middle East’s only democracy is under an economic, public relations, and military assault right now. Especially during this time, they should never doubt America’s support, yet President Biden has drawn it into question.

This month, I joined financial officers in nearly 30 states to urge the Biden administration to reaffirm its support of Israel, recommit itself to Hamas’ defeat, and combat the increased acts of antisemitism that have arisen across the country.

More specifically, the resolution we agreed to and sent to President Biden:

  1. Reaffirmed our commitment and support for Israel.
  2. Assured Israel that we would continue to invest in Israel bonds.
  3. Promised to continue our opposition to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, an antisemitic effort to cripple Israel’s economy.
  4. Committed to using any authority we have to address the anti-West cancer that has infected elite educational institutions.
  5. Pledged that we would remain vigilant as to any efforts that advance anti-Israel biases, anti-capitalist ideas, and/or exhibit antisemitism.

This resolution built upon actions Mississippi took just weeks ago to expand the state’s ability to invest in the Israel bond program. It’s an effort I’ve long championed, as the bonds provide a competitive rate of return to Mississippi taxpayers while also offering much-needed support to Israel.

Moreover, I applaud Mississippi’s Republican congressional delegation for their vote to rebuke Joe Biden’s aforementioned pledge to withhold weapons from Israel. Their bill, which passed the House, would also compel the administration to ultimately deliver those weapons.

Every little bit helps as we battle antisemitism and collectively fight for Israel’s right to exist.

To Mississippi’s Jewish community, please know that I will never stop working to end hate and anti-semitism.

Mississippi Treasurer David McRae is the 55th Treasurer for the State of Mississippi. In this role, he helps manage the state’s cash flow, oversees College Savings Mississippi, and has returned more than $85 million in unclaimed money to Mississippians. For more information, visit Treasury.MS.gov.

Note: This article is provided by Mississippi State Treasurer David McRae. Any opinions provided in this article are that of the author and not neccessarily that of this publication.

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