Breaking Mississippi News

Three Juveniles Start Tupelo Wal-Mart Fire

Tupelo Police and Fire Departments responded together to a fire at the 2270 Main Street Wal-Mart at 6:20 p.m. on Tuesday, September 10th.

Shoppers were made to evacuate the store. According to a joint press release from Tupelo Police and Fire Departments, the fire triggered the store’s fire sprinkler system. The sprinkler system caused water damage to the establishment.

After the initial investigation, it was discovered that a bouquet of fake flowers had been intentionally set on fire in the arts and craft section of the store. On September 11th, after deeper investigation, it was determined that the bouquet had been ignited on purpose by three juvenile subjects.

The juveniles responsible for the event were identified, and two of the three subjects were located. After locating the subjects, officers transported them to Lee County Detention Center. The third juvenile has not been brought in yet.

According to the press release, the incident is still under investigation. More information will be released as it is made available.

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