Lafayette County

NWCC PTK outstanding alumnus lands over $14,000 in scholarships

By Sarah Smith

July 18 – Northwest Mississippi Community College recent graduate and Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) President of the Oxford Campus, Rush Harmon of Oxford, received the Community College Leadership Scholarship which equals up to $6,000 in addition to other scholarships he had received.

Rush Harmon

Harmon, who served as the Oxford’s campus PTK President in his sophomore year, was also a part of the PTK All-Mississippi Academic Team, a Hall of Fame inductee and Outstanding Student at the college. His other PTK scholarship achievements include $2,000 from being a chapter president and $1,000 from being a part of the All-Mississippi Academic Team.

Harmon plans to attend the University of Mississippi starting this fall with hopes of going to physician assistant school after his undergrad.

These scholarships felt like his hard work was paying off, according to Harmon. He said that his time at Northwest has led to many connections and broadened his network.

“Some of my best memories from Northwest involved participating and organizing in college group projects,” said Harmon. “I have made friends that I will remember for the rest of my life and made so many unforgettable memories. I enjoyed the times we had traveling to events for Northwest with our instructor and other classmates.”

NWCC History Instructor, Matt Johnson, said that he wasn’t surprised at Harmon getting these accolades and was excited to hear about this news of a student he describes as a “determined, bright and steadfast” young man. Johnson said that Harmon was always a bold and engaged leader who pushed himself outside of his comfort zone.

“Our Oxford chapter of PTK has been fortunate to work with and develop outstanding leaders over the years, and Rush clearly belongs in that esteemed group,” Johnson said. “We are proud of his achievements, and though we will miss him, we remain confident in his academic and professional future.”

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